We are very pleased to have been voted third place in the Hall of Fame of Callwey Verlag among well-known architects. Thank you very much!
residential interior project SSJC in Brooklyn, NYC
We are very proud of our Residential Interior Project in Brooklyn, NYC, which we were able to realize in collaboration with Hatchet. None other than Matthew Williams captured the wonderful pictures and thus the atmosphere that reigns in our clients' homes. Soon more on our website!
STUDIO OINK wins Best of Interior Award 2021
We are very happy and proud to have received another "Best of Interior" award. In addition to recognition for the "Apartment ISW Berlin" project, an award was also given for our "House JL Frankfurt" project. Both projects can be found in the wonderful book "Best of Interior 2021". Special thanks also go to May-Britt Frank-Grosse, who gave us a very warm and appreciative laudation. The Best of Interior Award is presented by Callwey, Schöner Wohnen and the Bdia (Association of German Interior Architects).
We are very proud and happy about the feature in AD Magazin of our recently completed interior design project in Berlin.
Work Life Balance- is it possible?
Yesterday we had an appointment for a photo shoot in Berlin with a well-known interior magazine. It was about our recently completed residential interior project (see photo). Since our youngest son, at 8 months old, is still very dependent on me and our kindergarten currently has shorter opening hours for our older son, we took both children with us.
Quite a stressful story. Two and a half hours drive with construction sites and traffic jams, then a full apartment, strange faces, Corona test in protective suits, lunch in the car and two and a half hours back.
Our boys did a great job. And at the same time we asked ourselves how this should actually work nowadays with the compatibility of family and work. At the latest during our ice cream break at the gas station, we noticed once again how incredibly expensive life has become and how much you have to struggle permanently in this hamster wheel just to provide basic supplies. How can it be possible to combine life and work in such a way that the balance is right? We are concerned with this question for at least as long and as intensely as the question of how “human” living is still possible today. We have moved away ourselves so much from ourselves and our needs in so many things that it often seems almost impossible to get back to them. Rather, one would have to first become aware of where we come from and what our human needs are. Even if we are very grateful for all of our wonderful projects that we are allowed to realize, we would often want more naturalness and authenticity for the final implementation. At the beginning the ideas and plans are big - but in the end there is usually not that much left of them.
Most of the time, the fear of customers outweighs the fact that things could age and even show a patina in the end and are therefore no longer worth anything. This very widespread view frightens and disappoints us every time anew. Where does the fear of the traces of life come from? Are things really worth less as they age? When they show lifelines? Shouldn't it actually be the other way around? Strangely enough, antiques are usually not cheap and the customer is also willing to spend a little more money on them. Mostly it stays with a single piece - maybe this is the attempt to satisfy the longing for the truthful, for the living. To feel some “life” where life should naturally take place. On the one hand we speak of a “modern nomad” who can and must live anywhere - because he works worldwide and is not tied to one place. However, we are currently noticing that this is a vision of the future that should possibly be imposed on us. Which is not ours at all and which does not suit us at all. The last year in particular has shown us again how important the space that surrounds us is and how much we need “a village”. In real and not in digital or as a modern and digital nomad.
For us architects and interior designers in particular, the task of creating and passing on life and liveliness through our designs is becoming ever greater and more important. The simple processing and manufacture of concrete and similar “cheap” building materials is tempting. But even easier and, above all, much more natural would be to use natural materials such as wood and clay. Whether burned into bricks or as a composite in a framework. In both cases, it's not just more sustainable building materials, but also materials that allow our outer skin to breathe. Yes, our living conditions have changed a lot and we no longer go out to the fields every day and do the work we need to survive. No, actually we already have everything. We work more for our luxury these days. You can also change it more often - especially when it comes to the car and clothing.
And yet we are strangely not happier and secretly look jealous of those who live a very simple life. Because it is just not compatible nowadays - work, family and life. Nostalgia is good - but you can't get lost in it and live in the past. That's right. But a look back doesn't hurt. Especially not when we live in an absolute abundance and out of sheer boredom and constant drizzle no longer know how we can even perceive our beautiful nature. It is simply no longer a natural part of us.
We would have to rethink not only when it comes to living - also when it comes to clothing and our food. It is not impossible. Maybe the change would be exhausting. But in the end you will be rewarded with something that is quite priceless. The quiet happiness.
There is so much more to say here, but we don't want to just stand there with our forefingers raised. We too are still looking for simple, quiet happiness. We are not 100% happy with the results of our projects either. We too would like to see a lot more warmth, a lot more "human" in the results of our work. Certainly, we cannot pick up every customer with our philosophy and many would perhaps not commission us at all - because our views may be too radical.
But here comes our attempt to strike a balance. We want to address customers to whom living and life mean just as much as they do to us. We don't want to have to accept any projects, just for the money. We would rather reduce our lifestyle further and work on the projects that are close to our hearts and with people, for whom it is also an affair of the heart to create a truly "human" home for themselves. Regardless of labels, brands, smart homes, Instagram and Co.
We are very pleased about the publication of our Apartment Leipzig in Northletters issue no. 3.
Again we are nominated for the “Best of Interior” award 2021 by Callwey. We feel really honoured to be part of their amazing book and looking forward to the award ceremony in September.
We are very happy and proud of being part again of the exhibition “RADICAL CRAFT” in Berlin.
Interview and Home Tour with Designsetter and Alva Linen
We had a very pleasant visit from Valerie from Designsetter, with whom we talked about our philosophy on ecological and aesthetic living. On the side she photographed our home with the beautiful textiles from Swedish Alva Linen.
You can read the entire interview here.
Thoughts, new projects and hello from STUDIO OINK
The year 2020 started off wonderfully and was then stopped abruptly in March. Everything was paralyzed. Corona was there and the world stood still. Public institutions were closed and contact with the outside world should be avoided. With a toddler at home, this initially meant no work for us.
We spent a lot of time as a family in our summer house and worked mostly in the evenings when our son was sleeping or took turns. It was uncertain how everything would go on. However, we noticed that through this strange time, when they were at home a lot as a family, people suddenly developed a different relationship with their four walls. They quickly realized how important it is to have a protective and personal home that is focused on what it should be - a quiet and protective place for the whole family. This is not about high-end luxury or smart homes. This is about something very rudimentary, a need for security and reliability. The home should be a place where everyone can develop, but also retreat. A place that appreciates all residents equally and gives them the feeling of having “arrived” - without being “locked up”. And it does not matter whether the home is bought or rented. For our well-being and our psyche, it is incredibly important in which environment we move and with what and with how much we surround ourselves. It is still a mystery to us why - especially in Germany - an unbelievable amount of money is spent on a new car or even on the shell of the dwelling - but the interior usually remains loveless and lifeless and is filled with cheap furniture and artificial surfaces never allowed to age- who must never live.
Perhaps this extraordinary time had a positive side effect and still encourages many people to think. What do I surround myself with and what do I fill my sensory impressions with - what do I absorb?
In fact, we received a request from a Seattle family who asked themselves this very question at this strange time and asked for help to tailor their four walls to their family needs. In a normal apartment - not a luxurious house. It is a wonderful job for us and we are very happy to work on this project. We are currently working on the basic atmosphere, as well as the predominant materials and colors that will carry the concept. In the meantime, all of our projects continue to run normally and we are very excited about every single result.
At this point, thank you to all of our customers who trust us and who believe in our interior design approach, our corporate philosophy and our moral principles. We work for the people, the residents, with all their needs - not for the industry and the marketing of their latest technology.
Mood pictures of our current project in Seattle / Washington
STUDIO OINK wins BEST OF HOUZZ 2020 award in the category Design
We are very happy to announce, that, again, we won the Best of Houzz Award the category Design! Many thanks Houzz!
STUDIO OINK wins Best of Interior Award 2019
We are very proud and feel really honoured that we received the “Best of Interior Award” 2019, selected by Callwey, Schöner Wohnen and bdia ( Bund deutscher Innenarchitketen ). It was an amazing evening with amazing people. Many thanks as well to Studio Aisslinger for their lovely Laudatio about our project. You will find everything in the beautiful book “Best of Interior”.
We are very happy being part of the Grassi Messe 2019 with some furniture out of our collection “Now you see us”. You will find our there our light sculpture POPP, our bench MUTE with stool DOT DOT and our new coffee table MUTE MAGNETIC.
25.10.2019 - 27.10.2019
Opening hours:
Fri-Sa 10 - 19 h
Su 10 - 18 h
GRASSI Mueum für Angewandte Kunst
Johannisplatz 5-11
04177 Leipzig
Lea was invited by TH OWL to talk about the work of STUDIO OINK and their ideas of interior architecture. STUDIO OINK decided to talk about “humane interior architecture” as this is the most important topic to them and the ultimate base for their work.
Many thanks to TH OWL for their invitation and to the audience!
Read the article “zu zweit” about STUDIO OINK and three other german design duos in the FAZ magazin May, 2019. Thank you Jasmin Jouhar for your wonderful words about us and our work.
STUDIO OINK is part of the exhibition "Radical Craft" curated by Direktorenhaus Berlin
We are very happy to show our work for one year during the exhibition “Radical Craft” at Direktorenhaus Berlin among a lot of other very talented designers and artists.
SALONE DEL MOBILE ::: DESIGN WEEK MILAN 2019 STUDIO OINK x KUMI MOOD with "Dry paint and all the bended branches"
Dry paint and all the bended branches is a poetic symbiosis of the objects of KUMI MOOD and STUDIO OINK.
„Play! I called. I just want to play!
I smell the wood. Such a scent! And how strong you are! What can we experience? I wake up and everything is very colorful and smooth. I walk. A small branch brushes my shoulder, a bird comes by. I take a deep breath. I keep walking. A butterfly tickles my ear. I lean on your trunk. And again I take a deep breath.
Suddenly a crack, where is everything? I turn the light on.“
The objects and furniture of KUMI MOOD and STUDIO OINK refer to a world of childlike poetry and imagination. Silently narrated stories and experiences combine both works and present themselves in simple forms and aesthetic colors.
Dreamy pictures become real and create a world of their own.
With their brand Kumi Mood, Cäcilia Holtgreve and Benno Sattler merge art, design and craft into atmospheric, individual and cheerful design objects. Their hand-drawn designs are characterized by inspiring colors and finely tuned shapes. With great attention to details they create character-strong objects that feel comfortable as a toy in the children's room or as a furnishing object in the living space.
Lea Korzeczek and Matthias Hiller develop as STUDIO OINK tailor-made high-quality interior concepts for private and public spaces. The studio has also specialized in the field of object and product design and realizes independent limited small series of furniture and objects. The philosophy of STUDIO OINK is the balance between poetry and function, between simplicity and playfulness.
April, 9 - April, 14 2019
10am - 5pm
STUDIO OINK is part of the annual exhibition RADICAL CRAFT of Direktorenhaus Berlin
We are very honoured being part of the annual exhibition “Radical Craft” of Direktorenhaus Berlin. Find a very fine selection of our work among other great designer and artists.
Friday, May 24th 2019
Date of exhibition:
Friday, May 24th / Sunday, April 5th 2020
Am Krögel 2, 10179 Berlin www.direktorenhaus.com
We are very happy to be selected as a mentor for the new mentoring program of Burg Giebichenstein for their “Design Haus”. We are responsible to help young designers to find their way into their business. We are happy to help Marija and Aneta of Studio Spolek to be visible to the market. They produce beautiful glass and ceramic products and its definitely worth to stop by their online shop!
Read more about the program here.
All pictures by Studio Spolek.
It was a pleasure being part of the beautifully curated exhibition at Museum Schloss Fürstenberg. Special thanks to Schnuppe von Gwinner for her great work and the carefully finest selection of artists and designers.